Our school Environment
Maraeroa School is co-educational primary school situated in the Porirua East community.
Maraeroa School has a focus on raising achievement through supporting our students to apply their voice, action and identity to learning. Our students’ success is supported by ongoing partnerships between the school and the wider Maraeroa community. We believe in weaving the values of our people (students, whanau, and community) into our learning.
We are very close to Toru Fetu and Maraeroa Kindergartens, who we work together with when students are soon to start school! We are also close to Brandon Intermediate, where most of our children go after leaving us at the end of year six.
Location: 47 Driver Crescent, Cannons Creek, Porirua 5024.
Telephone: 04 237 6707
School Cell Phone: 022 468 6792
Skool loop is a mobile app that sends all the latest notices and newsletters to your phone. It’s a free app. When you download it, look for Maraeroa School.
At Maraeroa School we are developing inquiry communities to inform our teaching and learning.
Follow these links to see more about our curriculum and our learning in our classes – Harakeke Y0-1, Kōwhai Y2-3, Kānuka Y2-3, Nīkau Y4-5, Rimu Y4-5, Kauri Y5-6, Kahikatea Y5-6.
Enrol at Maraeroa
We would love for you to enrol your child at our school! Follow this link for more information on how to enrol a student at Maraeroa School.

Our Upcoming Events & Activities
First day of Term 1
Waitangi Day holiday
Mihi whakatau – new staff & students
School closed – curriculum development
Parent-teacher interviews
Parent-teacher interviews
Last day of Term 1
First day of Term 2
Last day of Term 2
From Our Principal
Kia ora, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei, Mālo ni, Talofa lava, Fakalofa lahi atu, Tena koutou katoa
Welcome to our wonderful kura! Maraeroa School is a co-educational primary school situated in the Porirua East community.
Maraeroa School was built on a plot of land that was formerly the home of a local Maori chief and his wife, Te Awhinanui. Te Awhinanui opened her home to care for many of the local people providing a place to be healed and a place to be well looked after.
At Maraeroa we value cultural diversity and pride ourselves on continuing the kaupapa of Te Awhinanui by providing a caring and inclusive space for our community and one where our tamariki are the heart and soul of our kura. We are proud of who we are, what we can do and what we can achieve together.
Maraeroa School has strong ties with both Toru Fetu and Maraeroa Kindergartens as well as valued relationships with our neighbouring schools, Brandon Intermediate and Porirua College. We work collaboratively with teachers and leaders across the Porirua East community, with a shared vision for the tamariki of our community: VAI – Voice, Action and Identity.
Come in and see us, we are always proud to show people around our wonderful school.
Ngā Mihi mahana
Michelle Pilcher
Our Staff
Leadership team
Principal – Michelle Pilcher
Deputy Principal / Kāhui Ako Across Community Lead / Learning Support – Susan Arthur
Team Leader (senior) – Nicola Elliott
Team Leader (junior) / Kāhui Ako Within School Lead – Gina Pearson
Harakeke Y0-1 – Jess Woods
Rātā Y0-1 – (class will open later in the year)
Kōwhai Y2-3 – Kaz Bowman
Kānuka Y2-3 – Gina Pearson
Nīkau Y4-5 – Chelci Zeeman
Rimu Y4-5 – Dot Payne
Kauri Y5-6 – Lizzy Kapa
Kahikatea Y5-6 – Nicola Elliott
Teacher release – Kiri Winiata, Markelle Archer, Carol Pilcher
Teacher Aides
Afono Gaualofa, Antz Akavi, Berna Lukitau, Lisa Lukitau, Martha Silva, Sylvie Gaualofa, Turou Nootai
Learning Support
SENCO – Susan Arthur
ELL – Jess Woods
School Support
Office Manager – Zofia Heath
Office Support – Michelle Tava’e
Caretaker – Chris Meredith
Cleaners – Martha Silva and Sylvie Gaualofa
Learning Support Coordinator (Porirua East Kahui Ako)
Meera Balaji
Our School
Along with our in class learning we provide a range of extra-curricular clubs and acitvities for students.
School Lunches
We are part of the lunches in school programme Ka Ora Ka Ako. All students enjoy free hot lunch and a snack every day. Families are able to opt to cater for dietary requirements (halal, vegetarian, gluten free).
Breakfast Club
Supported by Sanitarium and Fonterra, Breakfast Club is open to all our students from 8:30-8:50am every school day. Come along and have some kai to start the day with a happy tummy.
Thank you to our volunteers for staffing this!
Kapa Haka
Students across the school learn kapa haka to support the Kapa Haka group, pōwhiri and school events. Our in-house Kapa Haka lessons are coordinated by Whaea Lizzy Kapa. Look out for our performances through the year.
Maraeroa School is a water only school.
Maraeroa School is a water only school.
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 47 Driver Cres, Cannons Creek, Porirua
Telephone: 04-237 6707
Email: office@maraeroa.school.nz
School Hours: M-F: 9am-2.55pm
Office Hours: M-F 8am-4pm