How we approach teaching and learning at Maraeroa School

How we teach

A Word

About Learning at Maraeroa

Our school curriculum has its foundations in our school values (CREEK), our school vision (to grow active, confident, resilient learners), graduate profile (Voice, Action and Identity – VAI), the key competencies and capabilities and the New Zealand Curriculum.

We approach teaching and learning through developing communities of inquiry.   These communities may be as diverse as our local neighbourhoods, between schools, between classrooms, or small class groups.

We acknowledge the history and mana whenua of our place and incorporate te ao Maori throughout the curriculum. 

Our teaching and learning is strengths-based, starting from the rich knowledge, experiences and cultures our tamariki bring to school with them.   We work to provide equitable, fun, engaging learning experiences across the school.

Our Graduate Profile

VOICE – Everyone has a voice that can change the way things are

  • Have the courage to have your say
  • Believe in yourself to fight for future generations
  • Make changes in the family, community and world
  • Communicate with others and hear their opinions
  • Give back your learning to others

ACTION – Learners make a difference

  • Surround yourself with supportive adults and friends
  • Take control of your learning
  • Achieve useful skills in useful subjects
  • Adapt to different environments and ways of learning
  • Feel confident to participate within your group
  • Think critically
  • Let others expand your learning
  • Put yourself in safe environments

IDENTITY – Know who you are, be who you are, show who you are

  • Know your roots
  • Keep the culture strong
  • Know where you stand as a learner
  • Keep healthy in well-being
  • Use all your languages
  • Respect everyone’s beliefs
  • Have strong mana


Our school are CREEK kids.  This incorporates our school-wide values: curiosity, reciprocity, energy, excellence and kotahitanga.  The values weave through the key competencies to create a whāriki or korowai that wraps around each student; making them confident, competent, critical learners.  

We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning school.  We focus on positive behaviours for learning, relationships and self-belief or identity.


Our school are CREEK kids.  This incorporates our school-wide values: curiosity, reciprocity, energy, excellence and kotahitanga.  The values weave through the key competencies to create a whāriki or korowai that wraps around each student; making them confident, competent, critical learners.  

We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning school.  We focus on positive behaviours for learning, relationships and self-belief or identity.


strategic goals

Our school vision is that students at Maraeroa be active learners, confident in what they can do and what they can be. They will be resilient, strong in their own culture and respectful of others. 

Our commitment to our students is to:

  • Provide a safe, respectful environment
  • Support them to participate fully and to challenge themselves
  • Celebrate success and achievements
  • Make learning purposeful and relevant
  • Create a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy

Values, Curriculum capabilities and Key Competencies

Through inquiry students develop the key competencies of thinking; relating to others; using language, symbols, and texts; managing self; and participating and contributing.  These competencies are the basis for learning across all curriculum ‘subject’ areas.


Strengthen our attendance procedures to help engage our learners

Voice, Action & Identity (VAI) is promoted in all we do, community wide

Clear, relevant & timely information is provided to whānau


Hauora is prioritised for staff & students in our school

The identity of our families & community are reflected in our celebrations

Te Reo Māori & Pacific Languages are developed and supported


Assessment procedures reflect meaningful learning & progress

A cultural lens is applied & visible in our planning, including VAI

Learner focused, best practice pedagogy is underpinned by student strengths